WNSCI JudaicA Gift Shop
Our selection of talitot, ritual items, and the full line of Michael Aram Judaica and Tabletop is the best on the North Shore!
Regular Hours of Operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 am–1:00 pm
Sunday from 9:00 am–12:00 pm (when religious school is in session)
As committed volunteers, we are proud that all profits support the important work of WNSCI and NSCI.
Karen Kohn & Nancy Mantynband
NSCI Gift Shop Co-Chairs
As a part of the WNSCI Judaica Gift Shop mission, we search for opportunities to support artists that come from all walks of life. One of the incredible organizations that we recently connected with is Celebration Company. The WNSCI Judaica Gift Shop now carries handmade beeswax candles, created by the amazing individuals at Celebration Company, for usage on Shabbat and during Chanukah. The proceeds from the sale of these candles will go back to Celebration Company. To learn more about this organization, click here.