Kabbalat Shabbat Service - July 13th, 2024
At Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service, Rabbi Leizman creatively compares Moses to a college basketball coach, noting the importance of understanding, acknowledging, and adjusting to the growth and change displayed by others over time.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service - July 1st, 2024
At Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service, we welcomed special guest speaker, Consul General of Israel to the Midwest, Yinam Cohen, who spoke on the current situation in Israel since October 7th.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service - November 3rd, 2023
In her sermon from Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service, Rabbi Geffen invites us into what she believes is our particular call in this difficult time, to remember that Judaism is "God's call to responsibility." In the aftermath of the October 7th Hamas terror attack on Israel and the increasing waves of anti-Jewish hatred around our world and here in America, her elaboration on our Jewish mission should serve as not only a reminder, but a necessary inspiration to act, and it is more crucial now than ever. Sermon Text Sheet
Kabbalat Shabbat Service on October 13th, 2023
This special gathering of our community for Kabbalat Shabbat services took place amid the chaos we all witnessed in Israel and endured physically, mentally, and emotionally as a result of the Hamas terror attack. This service included special prayers and blessings for those in Israel as civilians and as IDF soldiers and first responders. Names of those we know and pray for in Israel were read and Rabbi Wendi Geffen delivered a powerful sermon.
Prayers for Those in Israel - October 13th, 2023
Our congregation gathered for Kabbalat Shabbat services in light of the recent terror attacks by Hamas on Israel across the Gaza border. These prayers and blessings, along with the names of those that are Israeli citizens and civilians, IDF soldiers and first responders, as well as those taken as captives were delivered in this service.
Rabbi Geffen's Sermon from October 13th, 2023
Rabbi Geffen delivered a powerful sermon at Kabbalat Shabbat services. Special prayers were shared at this service for Israel and its citizens amidst the Hamas terror strike on Israel.
Services and Sermons from High Holy Days 2023 | 5784
Erev Rosh Hashanah NSCI "Friday Night Style" Service
Rabbi Lisa Greene offered the sermon with music by Cantor David Goldstein and Kabbalat Shabbat vocalists and instrumentalists. This service is designed to feel similar to the worship style of our NSCI Friday night services, with liturgy, reflection, and familiar contemporary melodies.
Erev Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service
Rabbi Lisa Greene offered the sermon with music by Cantor David Goldstein with the High Holy Days Choir and Stone Family Organ. This service is more formal in its prayer and musical form.
Rosh Hashanah L'Dor Vador Intergenerational Service
Rabbi Geffen shares a story with music by Selah, our teen song leaders, and Alan Goodis. This service offers the key components of the High Holy Day service made accessible for elementary school-age children, parents, grandparents, and adults without children.
Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service
Rabbi Wendi Geffen offered the sermon with music by Cantor David Goldstein with the High Holy Days Choir and Stone Family Organ. This service is more formal in its prayer and musical form.
Rosh Hashanah Childrens' Service
Rabbi Lisa Greene tells a story with music by Alan Goodis. This service includes an age-appropriate story for children, accessible readings, prayers, and music.
Rosh Hashanah Second Day Service
This service Includes interactive teaching by Rabbi Wendi Geffen with music by Cantor David Goldstein. This warm, communal service, held in Perlman Sanctuary, features congregational worship and singing.
Kol Nidre L'Dor Vador Intergenerational Service
Rabbi Jacob Leizman tells a story with music from Selah (teen song leaders) and Cantor David Goldstein. This service offers the key components of the High Holy Day service made accessible for elementary school-age children, parents, grandparents, and adults without children. This service took place in the Large Sanctuary on Sunday, September 24 | 10 Tishri 5784.
Rabbi Wendi Geffen offered a teaching with music by Alan Goodis with support from Allison Rosenfeld Schanfield. This service is designed for worshipers seeking a more intimate, contemplative prayer experience. Reservations are required due to limited seating capacity and will be filled on a first-come first served basis. This service took place on Sunday, September 24 | 10 Tishri 5784.
Rabbi Wendi Geffen offers a sermon with music from Cantor David Goldstein, the High Holy Days Choir, and the Stone Family Organ. This service is more formal in its prayer and musical form and took place on Sunday, September 24 | 10 Tishri 5784.
Yom Kippur L'dor Vador Intergenerational Service
Rabbi Lisa Greene tells a story with music by Selah (teen song leaders), Alan Goodis, and Cantor David Goldstein. This service offers the key components of the High Holy Day service made accessible for elementary school-age children, parents, grandparents, and adults without children. This service took place on Monday, September 25 | 10 Tishri 5784.
Yom Kippur Traditional Service
Rabbi Jacob Leizman offers a sermon with music from Cantor David Goldstein, the High Holy Days Choir, and the Stone Family Organ. This service is more formal in its prayer and musical form. This service took place on Monday, September 25 | 10 Tishri 5784.
Rabbi Lisa Greene led the service with music by Alan Goodis. In this service, explanations and teachings were offered throughout the experience to help worshipers achieve a greater understanding of the meaning behind the High Holy Day service liturgy and design. This service took place on Monday, September 25 | 10 Tishri 5784.
Rabbi Jacob Leizman tells a story with music by Alan Goodis. This service includes an age-appropriate story for children, accessible readings, prayers, and music. This service took place on Monday, September 25 | 10 Tishri 5784.
Yom Kippur Mincha/Yizkor/Neilah Concluding Service
This video is a compilation of the Yom Kippur Mincha, Yizkor, and Neilah services. The Mincha service contains readings of the Torah portion Kedoshim (the Holiness Code) as well as the Haftarah section of the Story of Jonah. As a part of the Yizkor service, Rabbi Lisa Greene delivered a special Yizkor message. Additionally, Neilah, our final service on Yom Kippur features the opportunity for those present to come up onto the bimah together for concluding prayer, song, and the final shofar blast.
Rabbi Lisa Greene's Erev Rosh Hashanah Sermon
In her sermon from Erev Rosh Hashanah on Friday, September 15th, Rabbi Lisa Greene discussed the inherently Jewish idea of finding comfort in not knowing. Through personal stories and references to the Torah, she explains why this space, which may be uncomfortable for many, is actually capable of providing us all with moments of immense growth.
Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service Sermon
In her sermon from Saturday, September 16th's Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service, Rabbi Wendi Geffen suggests the Jewish community risks directing the majority of its focus on the wrong problem rather than the right one. "With all our attention on the external forces that loom, we risk ignoring the part that really matters and over which we actually do have control: how we will keep Judaism not only alive, but vibrant and thriving, for now and for the future."
Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Kol Nidre Traditional Service Sermon
In her sermon from our Kol Nidre Traditional Service on Sunday, September 24 | 10 Tishri 5784, Rabbi Wendi Geffen looked back at an episode of Ted Lasso, from the show's first season, to convey just how powerful curiosity can be when it's shown in comparison with blind certainty.
Rabbi Jacob Leizman's Yom Kippur Traditional Service Sermon
In his sermon from our Yom Kippur Traditional Service on Monday, September 25 | 10 Tishri 5784, Rabbi Jacob Leizman expands upon what a Davar Acher refers to and how it can teach us to look beyond ourselves.
Rabbi Lisa Greene's Yizkor Message
Rabbi Greene's Yom Kippur Yizkor reflection, When We Disassemble a Home: She invites us to reflect on the memories of people evoked by items of our families' homes.
The services, sermons, and learning opportunities from High Holy Days 2022/5783 are available below.
Archived Services from 2022
Erev Rosh Hashanah NSCI "Friday Night Style" Service
Erev Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service
Rosh Hashanah L'dor Vador Intergenerational Service
Rosh Hashanah Learners' Service
Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service
Rosh Hashanah Second Day Service
Kol Nidre L'dor Vador Intergenerational Service
Yom Kippur Traditional Service
Yizkor/Memorial Service + Neilah/Concluding Service
Archived Sermons from 2022
Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Erev Rosh Hashanah Sermon (video)
Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Erev Rosh Hashanah Sermon (text)
Rabbi Ryan Daniels' Rosh Hashanah Sermon (video)
Rabbi Ryan Daniels' Rosh Hashanah Sermon (text)
Rabbi Lisa Greene's Kol Nidre Sermon
Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Yom Kippur Sermon (video)
Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Yom Kippur Sermon (text)
Rabbi Lisa Greene's Yizkor Message
Archived Tot Services