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1185 Sheridan Road, Glencoe, IL 60022847.835.0724

Sermons and archived services


Kabbalat Shabbat Service - January 11th, 2025



At Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service, Rabbi Greene discussed the Jewish tradition of writing an ethical will, a legacy of the values, traditions, and teachings most important to us, to share with family and friends.


With this recording, we are including the worksheet and article Rabbi Greene created and shared to get you started!

Kabbalat Shabbat Service - July 13th, 2024



At Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service, Rabbi Leizman creatively compares Moses to a college basketball coach, noting the importance of understanding, acknowledging, and adjusting to the growth and change displayed by others over time.

Kabbalat Shabbat Service - July 1st, 2024



At Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service, we welcomed special guest speaker, Consul General of Israel to the Midwest, Yinam Cohen, who spoke on the current situation in Israel since October 7th. 

Kabbalat Shabbat Service - November 3rd, 2023



In her sermon from Friday night's Kabbalat Shabbat service, Rabbi Geffen invites us into what she believes is our particular call in this difficult time, to remember that Judaism is "God's call to responsibility." In the aftermath of the October 7th Hamas terror attack on Israel and the increasing waves of anti-Jewish hatred around our world and here in America, her elaboration on our Jewish mission should serve as not only a reminder, but a necessary inspiration to act, and it is more crucial now than ever. Sermon Text Sheet

Kabbalat Shabbat Service on October 13th, 2023


This special gathering of our community for Kabbalat Shabbat services took place amid the chaos we all witnessed in Israel and endured physically, mentally, and emotionally as a result of the Hamas terror attack. This service included special prayers and blessings for those in Israel as civilians and as IDF soldiers and first responders. Names of those we know and pray for in Israel were read and Rabbi Wendi Geffen delivered a powerful sermon.

Prayers for Those in Israel - October 13th, 2023


Our congregation gathered for Kabbalat Shabbat services in light of the recent terror attacks by Hamas on Israel across the Gaza border. These prayers and blessings, along with the names of those that are Israeli citizens and civilians, IDF soldiers and first responders, as well as those taken as captives were delivered in this service.

Rabbi Geffen's Sermon from October 13th, 2023


Rabbi Geffen delivered a powerful sermon at Kabbalat Shabbat services. Special prayers were shared at this service for Israel and its citizens amidst the Hamas terror strike on Israel. Sermon Text Sheet

Services and Sermons from High Holy Days 2024 | 5785

Erev Rosh Hashanah NSCI "Friday Night Style" Service



Rabbi Geffen offered a sermon. Music by Cantor Goldstein, Alan Goodis, and Kabbalat Shabbat vocalists and instrumentalists. This service took place on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 | 1 Tishri 5785

Erev Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service



Rabbi Geffen offered a sermon. Music by Cantor Goldstein with the High Holy Day Choir and Stone Family Organ. This service took place on Wednesday, October 2nd / 1 Tishri 5784.

Rosh Hashanah L'Dor Vador Intergenerational Service



Rabbi Geffen told a story. Music by Selah (teen song leaders) and Alan Goodis. This service occurred on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 | 1 Tishri 5785.

Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service



Rabbi Leizman offered a sermon. Music by Cantor Goldstein with the High Holy Days Choir and Stone Family Organ. This service occurred on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 | 1 Tishri 5785.

Rosh Hashanah Childrens' Service



Rabbi Geffen told a story. Music by Alan Goodis. Children’s services are
for children grades K–3, accompanied by a caregiver. This service occurred on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 | 1 Tishri 5785.

Rosh Hashanah Second Day Service



This service included an interactive teaching by Rabbi Leizman. Music by Cantor Goldstein. This service occurred on Friday, October 4th, 2024 | 2 Tishri 5785.

Kol Nidre L'Dor Vador Intergenerational Service



Rabbi Greene told a story with music by Selah (teen song leaders) and Cantor Goldstein. This service took place Friday, October 11th | 10 Tishri 5785.

Kol Nidre Alternative Service



Rabbi Geffen offered a teaching. There was music from Alan Goodis with support of soloist Allison Rosenfeld Schanfield. This service took place on Friday, October 11th | 10 Tishri 5785.

Kol Nidre Traditional Service 



Rabbi Greene offered a sermon with music by Cantor Goldstein with the High Holy Day Choir and Stone Family Organ. This service took place on Friday, October 11th | 10 Tishri 5785.

Yom Kippur L'dor Vador Intergenerational Service



Rabbi Leizman told a story with music by Selah (teen song leaders), Alan Goodis, and Cantor Goldstein. This service took place on Saturday, October 12th | 10 Tishri 5785.

Yom Kippur Traditional Service



Rabbi Geffen offered a sermon. Music by Cantor Goldstein with the High Holy Day Choir and Stone Family Organ. This service took place on Saturday, October 12th | 10 Tishri 5785.

Yom Kippur Learners' Service



Rabbi Greene led this service with music by Alan Goodis. This service took place on Saturday, October 12th | 10 Tishri 5785.

Yom Kippur Children's Service



Rabbi Greene told a story with music by Alan Goodis. This service took place on Saturday, October 12th | 10 Tishri 5785.

Yom Kippur Mincha/Yizkor/Neilah Concluding Service



This video includes the Yom Kippur Afternoon/Mincha service, which featured the NSCI Clergy team with music by Cantor Goldstein, a special Eileh Ezk’rah in remembrance of October 7th, Yizkor (and a special Yizkor reflection by Rabbi Lisa Greene), with music by Cantor David Goldstein with the High Holy Day Choir and Stone Family Organ, and the Neilah/Concluding service. This service took place on Saturday, October 12th | 10 Tishri 5785.

Yom Kippur Eileh Ezk'rah ("These I will Remember") Remembering October 7th



This special Eileh Ezk’rah (“These I will Remember”) service honored the victims of October 7th and its aftermath. This service took place on Saturday, October 12th | 10 Tishri 5785.


Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Erev Rosh Hashanah Sermon 



This sermon on accessing Jewish resilience was offered by Rabbi Wendi Geffen on Erev Rosh Hashanah, Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 | 1 Tishri 5785. Sermon Text Sheet

Rabbi Jacob Leizman's Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service Sermon 



Rabbi Jacob Leizman offered this sermon on Jewish sources of hope at the Rosh Hashanah service on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024 | 1 Tishri 5785. Sermon Text Sheet

President Onnie Scheyer at Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service



NSCI's President, Onnie Scheyer, spoke at our Rosh Hashanah Traditional Service on Thursday, October 3rd, 2024.

Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Kol Nidre Alternative Service Teaching 


Rabbi Lisa Greene's Kol Nidre Traditional Service Sermon



In her sermon from Kol Nidre 5785, Rabbi Lisa Greene shares her original version of the Vidui (confession) and encourages us to repair our relationships, particularly when we disagree. This service occurred on Friday, October 11, 2024 | 10 Tishri 5785. Sermon Text Sheet


To read Rabbi Lisa Greene's published Vidui text on Ritualwell, click here

Rabbi Wendi Geffen's Yom Kippur Traditional Service Sermon 



In her sermon from Yom Kippur 5785, Rabbi Wendi Geffen finds inspiration for Jewish resilience in the connection between Yom Kippur and Purim. Sermon Text Sheet

Rabbi Lisa Greene's Yom Kippur Yizkor Message



In her Yizkor reflection at the Yom Kippur Yizkor service, Rabbi Lisa Greene looks back at what Yizkor represents and how we engage with it in today’s world. This video is from the Yizkor service recording from Saturday, October 12th | 10 Tishri 5785. Yizkor Reflection Text

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785