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1185 Sheridan Road, Glencoe, IL 60022847.835.0724

Adult B'nei Mitzvah

“The Adult Bnei Mitzvah class at NSCI is the experience of a lifetime. It is a magical journey of learning, faith and friendship. This class gave me confidence and understanding to feel connected and a part of the service.”

- Lindsay Emalfarb, Adult B'nei Mitzvah class, 2021 


Adult B’nei Mitzvah is a meaningful journey of learning and community that takes place over two years and culminates in a group service of b’nei mitzvah. You’ll learn to read Hebrew, read Torah, deepen your learning, and explore your beliefs. And you’ll meet new people! Over 140 NSCI adults, ages 28–95, have gone on this life-changing journey. Now it’s your turn! To learn more, contact Rabbi Greene, who’s looking to start a new class in 2025.



Watch the 2024 Adult B'nei Mitzvah service in it's entirety by clicking here. Hear the moving personal reflections, divrei Torah, of our class of 2024, below:

Aaron Barkoff

To read Aaron's D'var Torah, Click here.

Olivia Harris Barkoff

To read Olivia's D'var Torah,

Click here.

Barbara Bruno

To read Barbara's D'var Torah,

Click here.

Maria de la Calle

To read Maria's D'var Torah,

Click here.

Jennifer Fried

To read Jennifer's D'var Torah, Click here.

Marilyn Perlman

To read Marilyn's D'var Torah, Click here.

Craig Raben

To read Craig's D'var Torah,

Click here.

Jessica Rosien

To read Jessica's D'var Torah, Click here.

Chris Rush​​​​​​​

To read Chris's D'var Torah,

Click here.

Melissa Segal

To read Melissa's D'var Torah, Click here.

Diana Sotelo​​​​​​​

To read Diana's D'var Torah, Click here.

​​​​​​​Nancy Tudor​​​​​​​

To read Nancy's D'var Torah, Click here.

Mika Weyland

To read Mika's D'var Torah,

Click here.

Holly Zimmerman

To read Holly's D'var Torah,

​​​​​​​Click here.

To hear the moving personal reflections, divrei Torah, of our class of 2021, visit the Adult B'nei Mitzvah Youtube playlist on the NSCI Youtube channel by clicking here.

“Learn, laugh, grow, and enjoy at the Adult B’nei Mitzvah class. It made me feel complete. If you want to keep learning and growing, this is the class for you.”

- Alison Pearson, Adult B'nei Mitzvah class, 2021






“For me, the Adult B’nei Mitzvah experience was transformational. My knowledge and appreciation of Judaism has grown significantly; and I am now an active participant on Shabbat and holiday services, able to read the Hebrew, chant the prayers, and appreciate the important meaning behind the rituals. Rabbi Greene and Judy Weiss were terrific teachers, and my classmates are now friends for life.”

- Julie Starkman Gordon, Adult B'nei Mitzvah class, 2021

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Sh'vat 5785