Post-High School/College
Post-High School/College
Even while away at school, participating in a gap-year program, or serving in the military, our post-high schoolers are still part of the community! Our rabbis, cantor, and staff are available by phone, email, and social media, and we always look forward to reconnecting in person when they are back home for school breaks or summer. We’re also here to serve as resources for those who are applying to college or other post-high school programs, too!
Holiday Greetings & Gifts
NSCI’s clergy would like to keep in touch with your child or grandchild while they are away at college or gap-year program. Please click HERE to share their email address with us so that we can send them holiday greetings and gifts throughout the year.
Jewish Identity, Zionism, and Antisemitism on Campus:
A Conversation with Jack Elbaum and Blake Flayton on The New Zionist Congress
As you've likely heard, antisemitism continues to be on the rise in our country and around the world. Unfortunately, many college campuses have become hotbeds for this oldest form of hatred, manifesting itself in both traditional and new ways, often focussed around students' relationships with Israel. What you may not have heard is how defiant Jewish undergraduates are forming their own national organization dedicated to combating anti-Semitism and promoting Jewish pride. View this important discussion from Yom Ha'Atzmaut 5781 / Israeli Independence Day 2021 below to hear from NSCI's own Jack Elbaum as well as Blake Flayton, two student leaders from George Washington University, about The New Zionist Congress and their efforts to change the situation.
Be Prepared for Anti-Semitism & Anti-Israel Bias on Campus
Many thanks to our friends at the ADL—Anti Defamation League—for compiling this comprehensive guide to face anti-Semitism and anti-Israel biases on campus with dignity and know-how. Click HERE to view “How Can I be Prepared for Anti-Semitism and Anti-Israel Bias on Campus?”
Jewish Scholarship Opportunities
NSCI is committed to providing resources for high school students who wish to continue their academic endeavors. Please click the links below for educational scholarship funds. This list will continue to be updated with scholarship opportunities from the Jewish community.
Incoming Freshman Jewish Studies Major Scholarship
Lewis Summer Intern Program
Handeli First-Year Student Scholarship
The Hillel Campus Leadership Award
Jewish Federation Academic Scholarship Program
And check out this great college resource from Hillel International: The Top 60 Schools Jewish Students Choose
Mon, September 9 2024
6 Elul 5784