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1185 Sheridan Road, Glencoe, IL 60022847.835.0724

Donate to Letter by Letter: The NSCI Torah Project



Letter by Letter: The NSCI Torah Project has some ambitious goals. As our annual fundraiser, we aspired to 1) support the writing of the Torah, 2) contribute to NSCI’s annual operations, and 3) fully fund a reserve dedicated to the repair and maintenance of our ritual objects. Thanks to our wonderful NSCI community, we are proud to share that together we have met each of these goals! Any additional funds raised from the writing of the Torah will be allocated to NSCI’s Endowment Fund—our single most important financial avenue for ensuring that our legacy continues for generations. Like our sacred Torah, NSCI’s endowment is a gift of sustenance that enables everyone in this community to be part of the flourishing of the Jewish people.  


Dedications are available at the following levels. Once you select your dedication level on the form below, a list of examples from which to choose (e.g. specific stories, holidays, prayers) will appear. To explore Torah dedication levels of interest visit this resource, and then come back to this page to choose your dedication. 


  • Letter: $36  
  • Word: $360
  • Verse: $900  
  • Biblical Name: $1,800
  • Song or Prayer: $3,600  If you select this dedication level below, a drop down with a list of songs/prayers from which to choose will appear.
  • Notable Story: $5,400  If you select this dedication level below, a drop down with a list of stories from which to choose will appear.
  • Holiday: $7,500  If you select this dedication level below, a drop down with a list of holidays from which to choose will appear.
  • Parashah: $10,000
  • Special Selections: $15,000* (Song of the Sea, the Shema, V'ahavta, the Holiness Code, the First Jewish Calendar)
  • Other Donations: Donate at a level most meaningful to you. If you would like to contribute an "other" amount, please reach out to Todd Braman by calling the NSCI office at 847.835.0724.

The following items may be dedicated only once and have been claimed:

Writing of the Torah ($54,000); Breast Plate, Rimonim, Yad ($30,000); Book of the Torah ($18,000) all 5 books claimed; Parchment, Ink, Quills & Atzei Chaim ($15,000). 



With your sponsorship of the Torah Project at $36.00 and above, you have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to hold the wrist or shoulder of the soferet as she helps us fulfill the 613th commandment—the writing of a Torah. Each contribution also includes a special certificate commemorating your dedication. Instructions to reserve your time to write a letter will be included in your receipt of contribution.

If you are an NSCI congregant, please log into your account before completing this form. This is the way your contribution gets associated with your account and allows you to pay later by check, DAF, stock, etc. Otherwise you will be prompted to pay now by credit card.

North Shore Congregation Israel invites you to participate in Letter by Letter: The NSCI Torah Project. If you have any questions, contact Todd Braman, Executive Director, at 847.835.0724 or click here 
to write an email.
(i.e. Jane & John Doe, Jane Doe & John Smith, or as Anonymous)

Please select the contribution level that you would like to participate at from the drop down above. 
To explore Torah topics of interest visit this resource, and then come back to this page to choose your dedication. 

Please proofread your submissions prior to submitting. We create personalized certificates based on the information that you submit in this form.
Please select "in honor of" or "in memory of" from the drop down above.

If you would like to make your contribution by check, through a donor advised fund, with stocks/bonds, or through an E-Check/ACH, select "Bill to My Account" on the next page. To "Bill to My Account," you must be logged in before submission.

Please note that a 3% tax-deductible processing fee has now been added to all credit card payments. When you cover this tax-deductible fee, your contribution to the community goes further and allows us to make a greater impact. Please note that there are several no-fee payment options, including check, ACH, and stock. Please let us know if you would like assistance in using one of these alternate methods of payment.


Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785