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1185 Sheridan Road, Glencoe, IL 60022847.835.0724

Feed the Homeless 4/14/24 Food Prep and Delivery

This year we will continue to make our famous chili for guests of the 4th Presbyterian Church meals program as well as nutritious brown bag lunches for 4th Presbyterian Church and The Night Ministry. We will also be delivering breakfast and lunch items to Connections for the Homeless in Evanston and Snack Packs to Ronald McDonald House at Lurie Children's Hospital.

We ask that each individual volunteer or family bring two or three dozen hard boiled eggs in the carton. They will be served to the guests at 4th Presbyterian Church and Connections for the Homeless.

Food Preparation will begin at NSCI (Crown Hall) at 11:30am. Help is greatly needed in the kitchen after food preparation is completed. Be a mensch. 

Volunteers with large vehicles can sign up to deliver the food that we prepare to the various meal programs. Please pull up to the kitchen entrance at the south side of the synagogue building at 1:45pm. 

Please log in to your NSCI account if you are a congregant. Logging in will expedite your registration process by pre-populating many of these fields. Click here to watch a video tutorial of the log in process.

Please click the location that you would like to deliver to. Please note, there are limited spots for each location and if the location you would like to deliver to is already full, we would greatly appreciate it if you would consider volunteering to deliver to a different location. 

Connections for the Homeless- 1566 Oak Ave. Evanston, Illinois
4th Presbyterian Church- 126 E. Chestnut Chicago, Illinois and Ronald McDonald House at 211 E. Grand Ave
The Night Ministry- 1735 N. Ashland Chicago, Illinois
Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784