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1185 Sheridan Road, Glencoe, IL 60022847.835.0724

Who We Are

North Shore Congregation Israel is a vibrant, warm and exceptional community celebrating Reform Judaism. We welcome interest and participation from anyone who seeks a connection to progressive Jewish living. There is something here for everyone, whether you seek learning in our innovative religious school for your kids, volunteering with our hands-on Mitzvah Corps, praying at our peaceful and inspiring services, or making friends for a lifetime. We are grateful for all of our congregants and we welcome you. Let us help you find your place.



We are NSCI.
We believe in the transformative power of Jewish living.
We recognize the Divine spark in every person.
We affirm that everyone is a stakeholder and community matters.
We understand that Judaism has something to offer everyone.
We value diversity.
We are young and young at heart.
We are seekers and cynics and everyone in between.
We are born Jews and choosing Jews. We are interfaith. We are LGBTQ.
We are Am Yisrael. We are our brothers’ keepers.
We believe Jewish living calls us to do nothing less than repair our world.
We experience Judaism as a lived practice.
We travel. We eat. We celebrate. We mourn. We pray. We learn. We give.
We ask big questions and explore big ideas.
We yearn. We hope. We invite. We inspire.
We foster understanding. We change lives. We make a difference.
We nourish our deep roots. We grow. We believe in the possible.
We are NSCI.




At NSCI, we strive to create an environment in which anyone who participates not only is welcomed, but feels seen and known.  Based on the foundational assumptions that all humans have innate dignity and deserve respect, we work to ensure that NSCI is free of bias, explicit or implicit, including able-ism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, racism, and xenophobia. We welcome all who align with NSCI’s mission, regardless of ability, age, appearance, ethnicity, gender, marital status, national origin, parental status, race, religion, and sexual orientation.  We recognize that just as every person is unique and made up of multiple facets, so too is every family.  There is no one model for who a “typical” NSCI congregant or family is or can be.  


Interfaith and Different Faith Backgrounds

NSCI welcomes Jews, members of Jewish couples, and families from different faith or no faith backgrounds. Here are some of the ways we demonstrate this value:


  • Family members from different faith backgrounds or no faith are treated no differently than Jews, unless those individuals specifically request not to participate in a particular way.

  • We officiate at weddings of interfaith couples as well as baby namings, brit milah. and b’nei mitzvah of the children of interfaith couples.

  • We regularly partner with houses of worship from different faiths, in particular through our Glencoe Clergy Association and other local interfaith organizations. 

  • Parents, grandparents, and family members or guardians from different faith traditions or no faith tradition are welcome to fully participate in their family member’s Jewish education.

  • Anyone, regardless of faith background, who shares a commitment to NSCI’s mission can participate in any and all offerings of NSCI, including serving on our Board of Trustees.


NSCI is committed to serving all congregants and visitors, including people with disabilities, in a manner that respects their dignity and independence. Accommodations include, but are not limited to:

  • Hearing enhancement devices and large-print prayer books in our worship spaces.

  • English translations and transliterations on the same pages as the original Hebrew in our prayer books.

  • Livestream of worship services and many programs for those who have mobility or time limitations. 

  • Wheelchairs available for use while at NSCI. 

  • Staff assistance to/from your vehicle (please contact us at 847.835.0724).

  • A ramp to access our bimah in the Large Sanctuary.

  • Individualized education in our religious school and support throughout the B'nei Mitzvah process. 

Learn more: Matan: Changing the Landscape of Disability Inclusion



We welcome all individuals and families of any sexual orientation or gender identity to join our community and participate fully in the life of the congregation, whether single or partnered, with or without children.



As the first congregation on the North Shore to officiate same-gender marriage, we support any who choose to sanctify their unions through Jewish marriage ceremonies, whether a Jew marrying a Jew or a Jew marrying a person of a different faith background. Couples are also encouraged to celebrate an aufruf, pre-wedding blessing, with the community at Shabbat services. This same inclusion extends to all LGBTQ+ congregants who adopt or give birth to children and want to bring their children into the Jewish covenant through public rites of Brit Milah privately and/or a baby naming ceremony either privately or in Shabbat worship services. 


B’nei Mitzvah

NSCI is committed to making our educational programs and any person’s journey to the ritual of B'nei Mitzvah welcoming and personal. In particular, we commit to ensuring that a person’s Hebrew name in its full form aligns to their gender identity, and will invite the opportunity to mark any name changes publicly or privately that affirm and honor the person’s full human dignity.  Additionally, as a person approaches B’nei Mitzvah, we will work with them and their families to ensure that the name given to the ritual itself is one that affirms and honors the fullness and truth of who they are.  


Gender Identity

We believe that everyone, including transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, have the right to be addressed by the names and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity that are of their choosing. Additionally, we believe that anyone who comes to NSCI should have access to a restroom facility that is comfortable for them. As such, we have four single-stall, all-gender bathrooms across the span of our building, in addition to gendered bathrooms.


NSCI’s staff have participated in LGBTQ+ Inclusion training through Keshet, and we continuously work to ensure that our policies and administrative vehicles are as inclusive as possible.  

Thu, October 24 2024 22 Tishrei 5785